The Last Remnant Wiki

My rares are here, in order of being smashed:

Urraco - a bit tough for a first rare at BR3

Deathstinger - very easy, poisoned me, but fell quickly, BR4

Bluejaws - took me 4 tries until I smashed it, BR4 (!)

Royalguard - quite easy at BR7

Axhead - the easiest one so far, BR8

Fatalclaw - what an epic fight! in my first try at BR9

Lil' Salamander - very easy, BR10

Hellbiter - toughest fight yet, left me with one unit barely alive, BR10

Deatheater - easy with healing, BR11

Seia - very easy to beat, BR11

Dawn Ruler - Pinprick can be a pain, defeated quickly though, BR12

Lympha - another easy rare, BR12

Bandit (Ruins of Robelia Castle - Central Tier) - didn't punch hard, had some HP, easy fight, BR12

Jade Golem - easy, BR12

Vali - difficult fight because of Botched status, BR16

Longtail Soldier - as always with small ones, very easy, BR21

Sharpclaw - quite easy at BR26

Firtoad - very easy, BR26

Bloodthirsty Beast - quite ok, 2 revivals needed, BR26

Wandering Plague - took a couple of rounds, but wasn't difficult, BR27
